How to Reupholster a Wingback Rocker, Part IV: Applying the Deck

See Part III here, Part V here.

My reupholstery project has both excited and frustrated me. I realized after buying a new stapler that the staples were too short, and had to run to the store yet again. Even at that, I am constantly hammering in staples that didn’t completely sink into the wood. I have found the best staples to be heavy duty 1/2″ chisel point.

The  seat part of the chair beneath the cushion is called the “deck”, and the part that comes in front of the deck is called the “nosing”.

Step 1: Cut a piece of denim (color should be coordinated with the upholstery fabric) the same size as the old piece of deck fabric. Mark the center of the edge roll (the soft edge between the nosing and deck). Draw a line 4″ into the deck from the edge roll. This is where the nosing fabric will attach to the deck fabric.

Step 2: Mark the center of the nosing fabric and deck fabric along the edge where the two will meet. Right side together, match the fabric at the center point and pin, allowing a 1/2″ seam allowance, then stitch.

Step 3: Pin the nosing/deck fabric to the chair, matching the stitched line to the line drawn on the deck. Staple the nosing fabric to the bottom of the chair.

Step 4: Tuck the deck fabric in around the deck, under the arms and chair back. Cut diagonal cuts so the fabric will settle around the arm posts and come through the sides and back of the chair.

Step 5: Staple the deck fabric to the bottom sides and back of the chair as below.

Deck/nosing completed!










<<How to Reupholster a Wingback Rocker, Part III How to Reupholster a Wingback Rocker, Part V >>

One Comment

  1. Posted September 5, 2011 at 11:05 am | Permalink | Reply

    I have been looking for this exact chair. Any idea what brand it is?

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